Grindstone Organic Coffee Pods
Grindstone Organic Coffee Pods
At just $.87 a cup, you'll have access to the amazing flavor of Moose Run Coffee in no time. Our coffee pods are air-tight, freshly packed to order, and recyclable, ensuring maximum freshness for months. Compatible with Keurig 2.0 and other single-serve brewers, this is an efficient and enjoyable way to enjoy your favorite cup of joe.
Grindstone ministries provides disaster relief and construction services to those affected by devastating storms. They have deployed more than 30 times in the last three years to serve others and are mostly made up of volunteers. Every time you purchase this blend a part of the proceeds is donated to support that ministry.
The Grindstone Blend is a dark, strong, smooth, and bold cup of joe. It has been carefully crafted to ensure that your morning won't be a disaster.
- FLAVOR: Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Strawberry
- BODY: Full
- ACIDITY: Medium
Love the flavor of this coffee!!
It is dark & strong.
Truly great, wake your butt up in the morning, dark brew coffee. Rich and never bitter or acidic.
Great coffee! I drink my coffee black and only a good tasting cup of Joe makes that possible and Grindstone blend is definitely up there in good coffee’s I’ve tried. Will be sticking with Moose run coffee for my daily go to.
I thought the Coffee was very good, smooth, and Pleasant , Thank You!!!